The 5th AET International Symposium of ACSM and Digital Manufacturing (AETS2023)
(30 Aug- 1st Sep 2023)
On-site @ Institute for Computer Science and Control (SZTAKI), Budapest, Hungary
Institute for Computer Science and Control (SZTAKI), Hungary
Some facts from our history
Director: Prof. László Monostori
Established in 1964, as Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA)
Node of the Eötvös Loránd Research Network (ELKH) 2019 –
European Center of Excellence in IT, Computer Science and Control, 2001 –
EU CoE in Production Informatics and Control (EPIC), 2017 –
With Fraunhofer Society
45 FP7 projects, 24 H2020 and HE projects
Coordinator of National Laboratories (Artificial Intelligence & Autonomous Systems

Scientific Committee

Prof. József Váncza(Chair)
Institute for Computer Sciences and Control, Hungary

Prof. Han Haitjema
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

Prof. Fengzhou Fang
Tianjin University, China & University College Dublin, Ireland

Mr. Barry Walsh
Alcon Laboratories Ireland Ltd, Ireland

Prof. Kornel Ehmann
Northeastern University, USA

Prof. Lihui Wang
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Dr. Nicolas Blondiaux
Centre for Electronics and Microtechnology, Switzerland

Prof. Xichun Luo
University of Strathclyde, UK
Call for Paper
Atomic and close-to-atomic scale manufacturing (ACSM) aims to realize cost-effective, deterministic, and scalable manufacturing of next-generation products with atomic-level precision by addressing quantum uncertainty in atomic-level material manipulation (removal, migration, and addition). It is the fundamental technology for opening a new manufacturing paradigm - “Manufacturing III”. There is significant frontier and ongoing research in this area. Meanwhile, a new round of industrial digital revolution is being nurtured worldwide, thanks to breakthroughs in emerging Industry 4.0 technologies.
It is our great pleasure to invite you to the 5th AET International Symposium on ACSM and Digital Manufacturing (AETS2023).
AIMS:The aim of the symposium is to provide one of the leading international forums for scientists, engineers, scholars and students to exchange latest developments, research findings and visions in the fields of ACSM and digital manufacturing. It also aims to provide a platform to foster R&D collaborations amongst academia, research institutions, and industries where joint research programmes can be formulated for mutual benefits.

Prof. Paul Shore
Loxham Precision Ltd, UK
Ultra-precision– enabling our quantum future
Advancement of precision engineering has enabled many of the everyday products and services we enjoy today. From cars to computers to medical devices, precision engineering has been central to their creation and their advancement. This talk will introduce how precision engineering has formed our modern life, and what drove critical innovations to form it. The role of science advancement as a driver of innovation will be highlighted alongside those of wealth creation and increasingly, humanities quality of life and future sustainability. Paul will illustrate the central role of metrology in making technology advancement. And no doubt as a business owner he will mention the ultra-precision products of the company and suggest why they might have a role to play in our quantum future.
Paul Shore, FRENG is the CEO of Loxham Precision Limited, an ultra-precision machinery company which span out of the Cranfield University Precision engineering Centre. Paul was previously the Head of Engineering at the National Physical Laboratory, Professor of Precision Engineering at Cranfield and the Group Head of Precision Engineering at AB SKF in Gothenburg, Sweden. In the late 90’s he introduced new manufacturing technology at SKF that now produces 80% of the Worlds wind turbine bearings. In the early 2000’s he developed a new mirror manufacturing method and produced the MIRI spectrometer mirrors for the James Webb Space Telescope. In 2020, a Loxham µ6 machine which he devised manufactured several of the UKs leading quantum devices. Paul is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, a past President of the European Society of Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (EUSPEN) and a biker. He is the author of > 100 papers and numerous patents.

Prof. Lihui Wang
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Digital Twin-Driven Condition Monitoring in Predictive Maintenance
Reliable product services depend on the timely acquisition, distribution, monitoring, analytics and utilisation of usage information from the products across spatial boundaries. These activities can improve accuracy and reliability in utilising the products, and help in maintenance scheduling to bring the products back to normal service conditions. As an emerging tool, digital twin (often combined with big data analytics) provides new opportunities to achieve this objective. This presentation will first present the current status and the latest advancement of relevant technologies in general, and digital twin in particular. In order to understand such new technologies and their future potential, definitions and characteristics among them will be explained. This talk will then project their future growth enabled by digital twin. Research and applications will also be outlined to highlight the latest advancement in the field. While digital twin shows great promise in the future, challenges towards Internet-of-Everything in the areas of future trends remain to be identified in this talk.
Prof. Lihui Wang is a Chair Professor of KTH Royal Institute of Technology. His research interests are presently focused on digital twin, human-robot collaboration, brain robotics, cyber-physical systems, and predictive maintenance. Professor Wang is actively engaged in various professional activities. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, and International Journal of Manufacturing Research. He has published 10 books and authored in excess of 650 publications. Professor Wang is a Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering, AET, CIRP, SME and ASME, as well as a Professional Engineer in Canada. He was the President (2020-2021) of North American Manufacturing Research Institution, and the Chairman (2018-2020) of Swedish Production Academy.

Prof. Jens Ducree
Dublin City University
Opportunities for highest-fidelity micromanufacture towards unprecedented large-scale integration of bioanalytical "Lab-on-a-Chip" systems
This presentation shows up the tremendous synergies situated at the exciting crossroads of highest accuracy and precision tooling and replication, digital twin concepts, and an NFT-based research metaverse enabled by blockchain for leveraging order-of-magnitude improvements in the functional integration density of multivariate, high-performance, microfluidic systems. Along the digital twin model for developing exemplary centrifugal microfluidic "Lab-on-a-Disc" systems, it will turn out that the decisive functional integration density is mostly linked to feature miniaturization and manufacturing quality. Drawing striking parallels to Moore's law and microelectronics, this feasibility study will quantitate the technological requirements for passing challenging technological frontiers, and then sketch next-generation applications, primarily in medical diagnostics and the life sciences. These fields are decisively driven by AI, which needs to be trained by comprehensive, multivariate, population-scale databases. These can be efficiently filled by the proposed technology, for the eventual benefit of patients, economies and societies.
Dr. Jens Ducrée holds a Full Professorship of Microsystems in the School of Physical Sciences at Dublin City University (DCU). He has been the founding director of FPC@DCU – Ireland’s first Fraunhofer Project Centre for Embedded Bioanalytical Systems, a joint initiative of Science Foundation Ireland and Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. Dr. Ducrée is also an academic member of the National Centre for Sensor Research (NCSR), the 3U Joint Institute of Global Health (JIGH), a principal investigator at Biodesign Europe (BDE), and the Institute of Ethics. His main interests primarily reside at the challenging crossroads of microfluidic Lab-on-a-Chip systems for the Life Sciences, polymer replication, digital twin concepts, and blockchain.

Dr. Peter De Wolf
Bruker Nano Surfaces,
Review of Atomic Force Microscopy based metrology & manipulation at the nanoscale
Today, a wide range Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) based characterisation methods are routinely applied in nanoscale studies of electronic materials and devices. The standard capability of AFM to image the surface topography with nanometre scale spatial resolution is augmented with the capability to measure a variety of physical properties: electrical (for example, surface potential, work function, conductivity, carrier density), magnetic, thermal (temperature distribution, thermal conductivity), mechanical, and more recently also chemical. Furthermore, several AFM as well as STM modes exist to manipulate and modify materials at the nanoscale, often based upon specific electrical, mechanical, optical or chemical interactions. We will cover a structured overview of these operating modes presenting their capabilities and limitations with case studies.
Dr. Peter De Wolf is application director at Bruker Nano Surfaces & Metrology. He holds a PhD in Electronics Engineering from the University of Leuven, Belgium and IMEC. He is author and co-author of over 40 publications related to property characterization using AFM in peer-reviewed scientific journals. He also owns several AFM patents and developed several new AFM modes. The last 23 years, he has held several R&D and Application positions within Bruker Nano Surfaces.

Prof. Gábor Stépán
Budapest University of Technology Hungary
Development of hardware-in-the-loop test-rig for high-speed milling
The goal, concept, and construction of a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) test environment is presented. The presentation will summarize the new results regarding the solution of some unexpected difficulties originated in the extreme fast dynamics of high-speed milling. The first successful tests for milling with the HIL feedback loop are presented with identifying period doubling chatter phenomena. The comparison of the nonlinearities in the HIL structure and in the real cutting process are compared as a starting point for future research work.
Prof Gábor Stépán is a professor of Applied Mechanics, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Europe. ERC Advanced Grant holder, holder of the Széchenyi Prize. Former dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Budapest University of Technology and Economics. His research fields include delayed dynamical systems, stability theory, and nonlinear vibrations.He is also current or former member of the editorial boards: Nonlinear Dynamics, Journal of Nonlinear Science, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Mechanism and Machine Theory, Physica D.
Invited Talks

Prof. Nikolaos Michailidis
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Digital Transition in Manufacturing of Porous and Lattice Structures
The digital transition in manufacturing has brought about significant advancements in the production of porous and lattice structures, both and periodic and stochastic ones. This work focuses on exploring the impact of digital technologies on the design and production processes of these complex structures. Digital tools such as computer-aided design (CAD) software and simulation techniques have revolutionized the design phase, enabling engineers to create intricate and customized geometries for porous and lattice structures. Through simulation tools like finite element analysis (FEA) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD), designers can evaluate structural integrity, fluid flow dynamics, and heat transfer characteristics, leading to optimized designs. Additive manufacturing plays a crucial role in the digital transition of porous and lattice structures. It allows for the precise fabrication of complex geometries, offering design freedom and customization possibilities that were once unattainable with traditional manufacturing methods. The digital transition also facilitates design optimization, where advanced algorithms and computational models aid in exploring optimal material configurations, pore sizes, and connectivity to achieve desired mechanical, thermal, and fluid transport properties. While the digital transition presents exciting opportunities, challenges such as design complexity, material selection, and process optimization need to be addressed. Overcoming these challenges will contribute to the efficient production of tailored porous and lattice structures with enhanced performance and functionality. This work highlights the advancements and challenges associated with the digital transition, emphasizing the potential for improved designs, customized structures, and enhanced performance in various industries.
Dr. Nikolaos Michailidis is a Professor and Director of the Physical Metallurgy Laboratory (PML) at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Greece. He is also a Research Professor at Texas A&M University and Chair of the Centre for Research & Development on Advanced Materials. He is a Fellow of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP) and serves as Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal of Materials. He is actively involved in various scientific societies, boards, and initiatives, including serving at the Board of the Federation of European Materials Societies (FEMS) and Chairing the Design & Construction Division at AUTH. Furthermore, he is a co-founder of PLiN Nanotechnology S.A., a spin-off of AUTH. He served as President of the Hellenic Metallurgical Society and Chaired the Scientific Committee of EUROMAT 2019.

Prof. Ing. Roberto Teti
University of Naples Federico II
The Biological Transformation in Manufacturing: Current Trend and Future Development
This presentation reports on a very ambitious international study carried out in the period 2018 - 2022 on the topic of the convergence between biology (the biosphere) and manufacturing engineering (the technosphere). Four demonstrators from different sectors of the manufacturing value chain and involving bio-inspiration, bio-integration and bio-intelligence were selected to test the following hypothesis: “Future Manufacturing Systems will incorporate Components, Features, Characteristics and Capabilities that enable the convergence towards Living Systems”. Each of the four demonstrators have succeeded in supporting this hypothesis and in providing clear evidence to confirm that significant performance benefits may be derived through the “biologicalisation” of advanced manufacturing engineering. The evidence reported provides a robust basis for recommending that a deeper analysis of the implications of biologicalised manufacturing technology and systems be undertaken. As a result of this initial work, it can be concluded that there is a high likelihood that this new convergence will lead to a major paradigm shift in advanced manufacturing. Existing industries will change and new industries will form and, as a result, outstanding opportunities exist for high levels of innovation in the next stages of development of advanced manufacturing technology and systems from the biological perspective
Prof. Roberto Teti is Director of the Fraunhofer Joint Laboratory of Excellence on Advanced Production Technology (Fh J_UniNaples) at the University of Naples Federico II, Italy. His research activity is focused on technological innovation for high-added-value manufacturing; smart sensor monitoring of manufacturing processes; 3D metrology and reverse engineering for additive and direct digital manufacturing; AI/ML for the Smart Factories; Biological Transformation in Manufacturing. He is among the 100.000 top international scientists for all disciplines in the period 1998-2021, as published by Plos Biology Journal in Oct. 2022, he is author of over 350 publications, chairman of many international conferences, fellow of the main scientific academies for production engineering such as the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP).

Prof. Rong Chen
Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China
Surface Reaction Kinetics for Inherent Selective Atomic Layer Deposition
With the development of Atomic and Close-to-atomic Scale Manufacturing(ACSM), the chemical principal and mechanisms that enable selective atomic layer deposition (ASD) is gaining rapid growing interests to unlock attractive avenues for the development of novel nanostructures by depositing atoms at desired surface locations. It has found versatile applications in emerging fields beyond semiconductor industry. Yet with the continuing downscaling, it is important to expand approaches for selective ALD with atomic scale precision on nanoscale features. In this talk, the inherently selective atomic layer deposition processes will be discussed. Previously, we have demonstrated facet-selective ALD processes, which based on intrinsic differences of precursors chemisorption on terraces or step edges of nanoparticles. To expand the inherently ASD, the acidity and alkaline, surface electronegativity, lattice strains could be exploited to achieve this inhibitor-free selective deposition process. It is demonstrated that the electronegativity differences altering the chemisorption energy barrier, which affects the initial nucleation rate. Oxides ALD was studied on a series of oxide substrates. Although the oxides have -OH groups on the surface and proposed to have similar nucleation sites, there are long nucleation delays on basic oxides. The H-transfer reaction is a key factor to influence the reaction barrier. It is hard to nucleate on basic substrates because the H-transfer reaction is blocked. In addition, an anisotropic growth model with the dynamical competition of expansion and dissociation of the nucleus is proposed to nucleation delay are quantitively predicted and the model provides a practical method to evaluate the selectivity of ALD theoretically. It provides a new strategy for inherently selective ALD, which will expand the selective toolbox of nanofabrication for next-generation nanoelectronic applications.
Professor Chen is a full professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology with the School of Mechanical Science and Engineering, by courtesy of School of integrated circuits, optical and electronic information, China-EU Institute for clean and renewable energy of HUST, and college of future technologies. She received her M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Stanford, B.S. from University of Science and Technology of China. She was a senior research scientist at Intel Labs before she joined HUST. Her research focuses on atomic layer deposition in ACSM, by understanding surface science, and applying this knowledge to a range of problems in sustainable energy, semiconductor processing, and nanotechnology.

Dr. Yang Yu
AMETEK Taylor Hobson Ltd.,
Advanced 3D optical metrology of Freeforms
Characterisation of Freeforms are increasingly demanded by optical manufacturers and users and are always challenging topic for metrologists. The metrologist now has both advanced contact and non-contact measurement solutions available and a combination of these techniques to provide more detailed understanding of opical components.
Form errors of the freeform surfaces resulting from the manufacturing process are critical, in terms of the functionality and reliability of the freeform optics. This presentation will introduce two advanced Freeform measurement techniques, a 3D contact profilometry and a 3D non-contact scanning point interferometry. The contact method is accomplished by use of an ultra-low noise measurement platform, combined with a patented phase grating interferometry (PGI) technology and specially developed algorithms for calibration and analysis. The high slope measurement capability of PGI Freeform, together with its large gauge range, enables 3D form measurements for most freeform surfaces. Non-contact scanning metrology is based on a patented multi-wavelength interferometry (MWLI) technology. It provides high density 3D data in short measurement times at a highly reproducible form measurement accuracy. The long-range absolute measurement capability of the MWLI sensor, together with its ultra-precision metrology platform and improved calibration routine through which the sensor accurately follows the designed shape of optical surfaces, enables precise 3D freeform surface measurements within its tangential slope measurement range.
Dr. Yang Yu received her BSC degree in Precision Engineering at Tianjin University, China, and completed her MSc and her PhD in Material Physics at Loughborough University, UK. She is currently working at the headquarter of Taylor Hobson Ltd. in UK, operating globally as a Senior Applications Scientist/Manager in the field of Optic metrology, including contact and non-contact metrologies.

Dr. Christian Wenzel
Innolite GmbH,
Advanced alignment turning of mounted spherical and aspherical optics
The performance of modern optical systems is dominantly determined by the precision of the alignment of single lens elements in the optical path of the system. The highest alignment precision as well as leading productivity in fabrication can be achieved by alignment turning. A lens to be assembled is glued into a metal mount not considering precision orientation yet. The lens and mount are introduced to an alignment turning machine to measure the optical axis and to correct the metal mount by slow tool turning in a way that the optical and mechanical axis have the same orientation after machining. Remaining shifts of down to 1 micron and tilts < 10 arcsec can be achieved within minutes. As the glue has been solidified prior to machining, there are no more subsequent displacements. The new machine system to be presented is the world leading platform for flexible alignment turning of various types of optics. With its latest sensors, it is capable of measuring IR optics with a 4.05 µm laser system. In addition, aspherical lenses can be characterized in their orientation by a full aperture confocal scan. Full automation applies to the measuring steps, the slow tool machine program calculation as well as subsequent quality assurance steps. Current tests on objectives with aspheric lenses have led to an overall optical system improvement of > 30% at significantly reduced assembly times. The presentation covers an introduction to the technology and the machines as well as sample machining results.
Dr. Christian Wenzel studied mechanical engineering at the Aachen University of Technology (RWTH) with a focus on production technology. Subsequently he joined the Fraunhofer Institute of Production Technology IPT to achieve a PHD degree in the field of corrective polishing of precision optical elements. He continued as head of department for ultra precision machine tools, micro-assembly and machine characterization at the institute. In 2009 he founded the Innolite GmbH with a focus on the commercialization of diamond machining and the development of advanced multi axes ultra precision machine tools. With over 50 employees and a subsidiary in Shanghai China the company is developing in mechanics, control systems, in line metrology and software.
Abstract template and submission weblink are available. Please submit your abstract by e-mail to : submission@aets2023.sztaki.hu
All the accepted abstracts will be included in the conference proceedings. Authors of selected abstracts will be invited to submit full articles to Nanomanufacturing and Metrology (Springer).
To register please download and fill the Registration Form, and send it by e-mail to aets2023@congress.hu
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For each Accepted Paper or Extended Abstract one author must register, pay the registration fee and personally present the paper at the conference. The registration fee covers one accepted paper.
Speakers presenting multiple papers may pay an extra paper fee for each extra paper.
*For student registration a scan of a valid student’s card will have to be sent to aets2023@congress.hu
Cancellation of registration must be submitted in writing via e-mail.
Cancellations received until 1 June 2023 are
subject to a 20% administrative fee. No refunds will be paid after 1 June 2023 but delegate substitution is permitted.
Industrial Tour
Industrial tour will take place in the morning on 1st Sep 2023 to Bosch Rexroth.
Address: 1103 Budapest Gyömrői út 104. HUNGARY
Bosch Rexroth is responsible for Industry 4.0 technology at Bosch. Since 2017, Bosch Rexroth drives the digital transformation of the Factory of the Future, exceeds the limits with Connected Hydraulics, and sets the stage for Transforming Mobile Machines. All products and solutions contribute to a more sustainable development of machines, manufacturing and daily life.
Travel & Hotel
Hotel Mercure Budapest Castle Hill is located in the neighborhood of the historical Castle District. Walking and shopping district of the city can be reached in a few minutes.
Whether on a family holiday or on business, you are welcome to stay at the newly renovated Mercure Budapest Castle Hill, located only 4 metro stations away from the city center. You'll be able to discover a city by walking and enjoy the wonders of the Castle District. Our 250 modern superior rooms are quiet, soundproof, and air-conditioned. Experience the vibe of the Buda Castle mixed with the abstract art of life and a breath of emotions.
A brand new design inspired by the colorful and lively streets of Budapest Centrally located, 5-minute walk through a nice park from the Castle District, 10 minutes from the city center, direct access to public transport (Deli pu. station). Easy to reach from M1/M7 highways. Ferenc Liszt International Airport 27 km.
Hotel IBis Budapest Castle Hill is located only 4 metro stations away from the city center. You will be able to discover by walk the wonders of the Castle District and enjoy the vibe of the Buda Castle mixed with an abstract art of life. Let us also take you on a journey through the Chain Bridge over the Danube. Our 150 modern rooms are quiet, soundproof and air‑conditioned. WiFi access is complimentary.
Full buffet breakfast, 3 course meals, buffet lunch, buffet dinner, gala dinner, gala events, wine tasting, bar, room service.
More practical information about travel, visa, insurance, public transport are attached.